The Marion Phelps Award is presented annually by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) in recognition of outstanding long-term contributions by an individual to the preservation and promotion of Anglophone heritage in the province of Quebec. At its 19th annual convention, held this year in Quebec City, June 9-10, QAHN presented this prestigious award to Don Stewart, a leading light at the Morin Heights Historical Association.
According to QAHN Executive Director Matthew Farfan, Don Stewart has been interested in history – especially the local history of the Lower Laurentians – all of his life. His family has pioneer roots in the Lachute area, and Don has lived in Morin Heights nearly all of his adult life. Educated at Carleton University in Ottawa, he has had a long and varied career in business and print media.
Don has been actively involved with the Morin Heights Historical Association since its inception in 1998. His contributions have included serving as editor of four of the ten editions of The Porcupine / Le Porc-épic, and as the writer of many articles in this publication. Don has written several books on travel and local history – always with a strong heritage focus. As part of Morin Heights’ 150th anniversary celebrations in 2005, he wrote the historically themed play Nature’s Victory for Theatre Morin Heights.
Don is currently President of the Morin Heights Historical Association, and has served several terms in that capacity. An active director of the association, he has organized village walking tours for school children and adults, assisted with house and garden tours, and participated in heritage exhibitions and other events.
An interesting and often amusing writer, Don’s most recent work is the book The History of Morin Heights and Surrounding Regions. This is a truly major accomplishment both as serious history and as a very readable work of local heritage.
Presenting Don Stewart with his award in Quebec City on behalf of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network, QAHN Awards Committee Chair Sandra Stock noted that "Don has consistently contributed to his community over many years and we are indeed very pleased to honour him with this award." For his part, Stewart said that he "truly appreciated the honour that he was receiving; this recognition means a lot to me."