Roderick Hodgson is often referred to as the Hudson historian. He has authored or co-authored at least seven books on the history of the Hudson area, and there are new or updated publications coming from him regularly. Recently, while recuperating from surgery to replace his hip, he completed work on two books.
Mr. Hodgson served for many years as the president of the Hudson Historical Society. He now holds the position of Director of Publications on the executive. He has also volunteered to serve on the Hudson town planning advisory committee, representing the unique heritage that Hudson is known for. Another of his passions is keeping a personal treasury of memorabilia related to the fire fighting profession. Mr. Hodgson served as the Chief of the Hudson Volunteer Fire Department for a number of years.
Mr. Hodgson is also known around the town for dressing as a trapper, and telling stories of days of old to everyone from school children right up to seniors. He makes appearances at the local schools.
In 2007, Mr. Hodgson wrote a series of short stories chronicling the 100 years of existence of Wyman Memorial United Church. These were read in Church once every few weeks. Mr. Hodgson is an excellent story teller, and a fount of knowledge regarding local as well as international history.