Institutional Members

Member Contact Person Email
Chateauguay Valley Historical Society / Société Historique de la Vallée de la Châteauguay Ken Dolphin, President [email protected]
Clan MacKinnon Society - Quebec
Colby-Curtis Museum - Stanstead Historical Society / Musée Colby-Curtis - Société historique de Stanstead Samuel Gaudreau-Lalande [email protected]
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA)
Committee for the Enhancement of the Curriculum of the History of Quebec (ComECH-QC) Brian Rock [email protected]
Conseil local du patrimoine d'Austin Serge Wagner
Côte Saint-Luc Library
Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI) [email protected]
Cowansville Historical Society / Société d'histoire de Cowansville Michel Racicot [email protected]
CWL Shannon
DaCosta Angélique Institute Dorothy Williams
Dalkeith Historical Society Frances Fraser [email protected]
Dorval Historical Society / Société historique de Dorval Michel Hébert [email protected]
Douglas Community Centre/Centre communautaire Douglas Suzanne Briand, coordinator [email protected]
Eastern Townships Resource Centre / Centre de ressources pour l'étude des Cantons-de-l'Est [email protected]
Eaton Corner Museum(Compton County Historical Museum Society) / Musée de la Société d'histoire du comté de Compton, Eaton Corner Sharon Moore [email protected]
English Community Organization of Lanaudiere (ECOL) Michelle Eaton-Lusignan [email protected]
Exposures Montreal Trans Film Festival
Fairbairn House Heritage Centre / Centre patrimonial Maison Fairbairn Michael Cooper [email protected]
Festival Bloomsday Montreal Judith Schurman [email protected]
Filipino Heritage Society of Montreal [email protected]
Gatineau Valley Historical Society Marc Cockburn [email protected]
Georgeville Historical Society Steve Moore [email protected]
Greenwood Centre for Living History / Le Centre d'histoire vivante Greenwood Audrey Wall [email protected]
Haskell Free Library and Opera House / Bibliothèque et salle d'opéra Haskell Nancy Rumery [email protected]