
Adjacent to the Annex is the Marion Phelps Building. Built in 1985, this building contains a number of permanent and temporary thematic displays. These include a printing shop, which features antique presses and other equipment from the Smith Printing Shop of Knowlton; a weaving display; a Home Child Display; and an outdoor scene (shown here), complete with a penny farthing bicycle from Warden, a Quaker bench from Farnham, and a lovely hand-painted mural of a pastoral scene. (Photo - Matthew Farfan)
Adjacent to the Annex is the Marion Phelps Building. Built in 1985, this building contains a number of permanent and temporary thematic displays. These include a printing shop, which features antique presses and other equipment from the Smith Printing Shop of Knowlton; a weaving display; a Home Child Display; and an outdoor scene (shown here), complete with a penny farthing bicycle from Warden, a Quaker bench from Farnham, and a lovely hand-painted mural of a pastoral scene. (Photo - Matthew Farfan)