
Photograph, Philipsburg Methodist Church. 
This church was used as an arsenal during the Battle of Moore's Corners. Its windows were barricaded with heavy timbers and men gathered in the church throughout the day of December 6, 1837 in anticipation of the arrival of the Patriotes that same evening. At the conclusion of the battle, women from the community fed 300 volunteer soldiers potatoes and salt pork from large kettles situated behind the church building. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)
Photograph, Philipsburg Methodist Church.
This church was used as an arsenal during the Battle of Moore's Corners. Its windows were barricaded with heavy timbers and men gathered in the church throughout the day of December 6, 1837 in anticipation of the arrival of the Patriotes that same evening. At the conclusion of the battle, women from the community fed 300 volunteer soldiers potatoes and salt pork from large kettles situated behind the church building. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)