
Woman's work boots, c.1890.
"There should be just as much conscience put into dusting as in managing an estate." Godey's Lady's Book, 1870.
One day a week was set aside for general household cleaning and many women took to heart the instructions pronounced in the journals and household guide books of the day. Furniture was draped with dust covers and windows were opened wide to expose hidden dirt. Picture frames, mirrors, furniture and curtains were brushed down with feather dusters. Carpets were
Woman's work boots, c.1890.
"There should be just as much conscience put into dusting as in managing an estate." Godey's Lady's Book, 1870.
One day a week was set aside for general household cleaning and many women took to heart the instructions pronounced in the journals and household guide books of the day. Furniture was draped with dust covers and windows were opened wide to expose hidden dirt. Picture frames, mirrors, furniture and curtains were brushed down with feather dusters. Carpets were either swept or sponged cleaned and rugs were hung outside and beaten. Windows, porches and floors were washed weekly; bedding and feather covers were aired; oil lamps were cleaned and filled; and brass, glass and silver were polished.
(Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)