
Hand painted stoneware tea service, c.1780. 
Despite the often rigorous journey into Lower Canada and the frontier landscape that greeted the settlers, many articles of finery and gentle living were carefully transported into the Townships with the expectation that these items would make the settlers' new surroundings comfortable, elegant and familiar. Silks and embroidered linen, china, perfume and jewellery were packed amongst the practical tools and household items. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collec
Hand painted stoneware tea service, c.1780.
Despite the often rigorous journey into Lower Canada and the frontier landscape that greeted the settlers, many articles of finery and gentle living were carefully transported into the Townships with the expectation that these items would make the settlers' new surroundings comfortable, elegant and familiar. Silks and embroidered linen, china, perfume and jewellery were packed amongst the practical tools and household items. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)