
Summer Reading Room (Nobbs Room).
Greenwood has undergone many transformations since it was first built in 1732. One of the last additions to the residence took place in the 1930s under the direction of Percy Nobbs, husband of Cecil Shepherd. His summer reading room, now called the Nobbs room, is decorated in the Arts and Crafts style. This style developed in the 1860s as a reaction against the industrialisation of Victorian Britain and spread to Montreal and Canada when Nobbs emigrated in the early 1900s.
Summer Reading Room (Nobbs Room).
Greenwood has undergone many transformations since it was first built in 1732. One of the last additions to the residence took place in the 1930s under the direction of Percy Nobbs, husband of Cecil Shepherd. His summer reading room, now called the Nobbs room, is decorated in the Arts and Crafts style. This style developed in the 1860s as a reaction against the industrialisation of Victorian Britain and spread to Montreal and Canada when Nobbs emigrated in the early 1900s. Furniture is both beautiful and functional, while patterns and prints reflect countryside flora and fauna. A 'Morris Chair,' named for the English Arts and Crafts proponent, stands in one corner of the room. It can be considered the precursor to modern recliners, such as the La-Z-Boy. (Greenwood Collection)