
The Fenian canon captured by the Missisquoi Home Guard the Red Sashes on May 25, 1870 now sits on Eccles Hill as a permanent trophy of war. Realizing the Fenian artillery piece posed an immediate threat to the Canadian forces, the Home Guards and the 60th Missisquoi Battalion surprised the Fenians from their position on the hillside with a sudden charge down the hill. Frightened from their location, the Fenians left behind their canon.  (Photo - Heather Darch)
The Fenian canon captured by the Missisquoi Home Guard the Red Sashes on May 25, 1870 now sits on Eccles Hill as a permanent trophy of war. Realizing the Fenian artillery piece posed an immediate threat to the Canadian forces, the Home Guards and the 60th Missisquoi Battalion surprised the Fenians from their position on the hillside with a sudden charge down the hill. Frightened from their location, the Fenians left behind their canon. (Photo - Heather Darch)