
Agricultural objects from the 18th and 19th centuries.
Kempffer Cultural and Interpretation Centre.

In spite of the British authorities, life in the new colony remained difficult. The greatest strength of the community resided in the resources of its inhabitants due to the great solidarity that developed amongst the colonists. The farmers and the fishermen furnished the food. In exchange, carpenters, weavers, shoemakers, coopers and masons supplied services to the community.
(Photo - Heritage New Carli
Agricultural objects from the 18th and 19th centuries.
Kempffer Cultural and Interpretation Centre.

In spite of the British authorities, life in the new colony remained difficult. The greatest strength of the community resided in the resources of its inhabitants due to the great solidarity that developed amongst the colonists. The farmers and the fishermen furnished the food. In exchange, carpenters, weavers, shoemakers, coopers and masons supplied services to the community.
(Photo - Heritage New Carlisle)