
Title: "Quebec Spy Catcher tells His own Story."
Front Page Caption: "I nearly Bit My Tongue, I knew I had a German Spy," by Earle J. Annett.
Toronto Daily Star, Monday, May 14, 1945. Second edition. front page. 

Earle Annett Jr. Was twenty years old when the Second World War began. He suffered from a handicap of the knee: he could not go to battle overseas. Nevertheless, he was keen on participating in the war effort. He did this by responding to the call from the Canadian authorities, which consi
Title: "Quebec Spy Catcher tells His own Story."
Front Page Caption: "I nearly Bit My Tongue, I knew I had a German Spy," by Earle J. Annett.
Toronto Daily Star, Monday, May 14, 1945. Second edition. front page.

Earle Annett Jr. Was twenty years old when the Second World War began. He suffered from a handicap of the knee: he could not go to battle overseas. Nevertheless, he was keen on participating in the war effort. He did this by responding to the call from the Canadian authorities, which consisted of keeping watch on enemy submarines and any suspects who could be spies on Canadian soil. Within a Canada at war, the arrival of a total stranger in the village was of great interest. In this way, by exposing the arrival of a German Spy, Earle Annett Jr. contributed to the war effort.