Matthew Farfan

Image retirée.1) Brownsburg is named in whose honour?
a) William Brown, who established a brewery there, the first in Canada.
b) George Brown, an early pioneer who built a mill.
c) Jeremiah Brown, a Methodist preacher.
d) None of the above. The town is actually named after a village in England.

2) In 1886, what major industry set up shop in Brownsburg?
a) Dominion Textile, a leading textile producer.
b) Dominion Cartridge Company, a manufacturer of explosives.
c) Dominion Rod and Reel, a manufacturer of fishing rods.
d) None of the above.

3) The founder of the above company was Captain Arthur L. “Gat” Howard. Howard’s nickname “Gat” derived from what?
a) Howard’s middle name, the maiden name of his mother, was “Gattery.” Hence, “Gat” for short.
b) Howard was an accomplished tennis player, and in fact, competed professionally for a time. “Gat” stood for Great at Tennis.”
Image retirée.
c) Back in 1885, the year of the Riel Rebellion in western Canada, Howard introduced the Canadian Militia to the Gatling gun to help them put down the Rebellion. Hence his nickname, “Gat.”
d) All of the above.

4) The township of Chatham, proclaimed in 1799, was named after whom?
a) William Pitt, the 1st Earl of Chatham (1708-1778).
b) Lord Palmerston, the 8th Duke of Chatham (1784-1846).c) Chatham, a town in Kent, in southeast England.
d) None of the above.

5) Which of the following communities is / are situated within the bounds of Chatham township?
a) Greece’s Point.
b) Grenville.
c) Lachute.
d) All of the above.

1 b); 2 b); 3 c); 4 a); 5 a)