Gaspé the Romantique

Book description by CASA

Image retirée.Writing in 1936, Olive Willett Smith, a Gaspé native, began her travel book Gaspé the Romantique this way: "In summer, as the thermometer hovers in the nineties and the humidity tags along, go to the Northland; to Gaspé, that eastern arm of the Province of Quebec stretching out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where the air is like champagne."

Image retirée.Throughout the book, the author portrays the history and legends of the Gaspé as well as some of her personal experiences in her “desire to bring to the public a deeper appreciation of the traditions, customs and simple beauty of the lives of these people and the grandeur of the country in which they live.”

Image retirée.In the vein of modern-day tour books, the reader is provided with all the information needed to make a successful road trip through the region. Starting in St. Flavie, through Chaleur Bay to Gaspé and around the coast, the reader will find descriptions and interesting facts about the various towns and villages along Perron Boulevard of 1936, now known as Highway 132. Readers familiar with the drive along the coast will find themselves effortlessly visualizing scenes of the past in the familiar landscape.

Image retirée.Printed in New York by the Thomas Y. Crowell Company in 1936, the book contains 156 pages with black and white photos, illustrations, a map and other useful information for the traveler. This book is available for purchase from antique book dealers or for consultation at the CASA office in New Carlisle.