Cemeteries of Austin

Matthew Farfan

larger_acc.2_0.jpgA new publication, titled (in English) Cemeteries of Austin, is now available. Produced in pamphlet format, this 20-page fold-out brochure was researched and written by local historians Serge Wagner and Maurice Langlois, and was published in 2008 by the Austin Cultural Committee.

The pamphlet begins with an overview of the different types of cemeteries found in the municipality of Austin, which is situated on the west side of Lake Memphremagog, in the MRC of Memphrémagog, and which was one of the first areas settled in this part of the Eastern Townships. The types of graveyards discussed include farm burying grounds, family cemeteries, community cemeteries and Roman Catholic cemeteries.

The authors give a short description of local pioneer cemeteries in general and of the family burying grounds of Austin pioneer Nicholas Austin and his descendants. They then outline some of the better known burying grounds in the municipality, including the Bryant-Brown family cemetery, the Glenbrook Cemetery, the East Bolton Cemetery, the St. Austin Catholic cemetery and the cemetery of Saint-Benoît Abbey.

Descriptions of local cemeteries are complemented by photographs and a map showing the locations of the 19 burying known to exist (or to have once existed) in Austin. A table includes the name and location of each cemetery, the type of cemetery it is (or was), the number of burials, the dates of the first and last known burials, and the current condition of each site. Six of the cemeteries are described as being maintained, five as being in danger, one as having been moved, and seven as having disappeared altogether.

Cemeteries of Austin is handy, well-written and easy to read. It should prove a useful tool for anyone interested in pioneer cemeteries in general and those in Austin in particular. Authors Wagner and Langlois, together with the Austin Cultural Committee, should be commended for their efforts in bringing to light the state (and fate) of the cemeteries of Austin, sites which represent an important aspect of our Eastern Townships heritage.

Cemeteries of Austin is available (in English or French) at the Town Hall in Austin, at outlets throughout the local area, or through the Austin Cultural Committee. For more information, contact Serge Wagner at: [email protected].