Metis Lighthouse

Heritage Lower St. Lawrence

Building the First Metis Beach Lighthouse
In 1873, R. Cameronof Lancaster,Ontario, was given the contract to build a lighthouse at Metis. Cameronhad already built several lighthouses along the St. Lawrence near the Thousand Islands. The construction cost $3518 of which the lighting and accessories accounted for $1425. The lighthouse was built of wood and was 40 feet high. The Light tower was made of iron and 7 1/2 feet in diameter.
The lighthouse was opened on October 20, 1874. The first lighthouse keeper, J. Jules Martin, lived in quarters at the base of the tower. Then, as now, the lighthouse was painted red and white, the building in white and the tower and lantern both red. The lighthouse changed little in appearance over the next three decades. The 1906 edition of The St. Lawrence Pilot described it for passing mariners:
"A square lighthouse, 40 feet [12.2 m] high, and painted entirely bright red, on Metis point, exhibits, at 56 feet [17 m]high above water, an alternating light showing red and white alternately every minute, which should be seen from a distance of 13 miles in clear weather. The keeper's dwelling is attached to the lighthouse...there is a telegraph and sign station at this lighthouse."

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