Matthew Farfan

Image retirée.Spruceholme (204 Principale Street) is the splendid former home of George Bryson Jr. and his wife Helen Craig. Built in 1875, this large stone mansion is said to have been the winter retreat of the Bryson family, who hosted many distinguished guests, including Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Prime Minister of Canada. Spruceholme is now home to an inn and restaurant.

George Bryson Jr., the original owner of Spruceholme, was the son of wealthy lumber baron George Bryson Sr. Following in the footsteps of his father, he represented Pontiac County in the Legislative Assembly of Quebec, where he served for over fifty years.

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Adjacent to Spruceholme (200 Principale Street) is another splendid stone mansion. This house was once the home of John Bryson, another of George Bryson Sr.’s sons, and a distinguished politician in his own right.

A third stone house (224 Principale Street) was built for a sister, Jennie Bryson.

The original Bryson family home, built by George Sr. in 1854, still stands on Highway 148, opposite the covered bridge. An enormous house built entirely of wood, it is well worth a visit.