Matthew Farfan

1. Which of the following is NOT an island in the Ottawa River?
a) Ile-aux-Allumettes.
b) Ile-du-Grand-Calumet.
c) Ile-Morrison.
d) Ile-Quyon.

2. Which of the following is NOT a municipality in the Pontiac?
a) Bristol.
b) Mansfield-et-Pontefract.
c) Kazabazua.
d) Litchfield.

3. What do all of these lakes have in common: Lac La Peche; Lac Philippe; Lac Meech; and Lac Fortune?
a) These lakes are all situated in the Pontiac.
b) These lakes are all situated in Gatineau Park.
c) Each of these lakes has at one time or another been home to a Canadian Prime Minister.
d) None of the above.

4. Norway Bay is so-named because…
a) Sweden Bay and Finland Bay were already taken.
b) A number of Norwegian families were among its early pioneers.
c) The area was home to a large stand of trees known as Norway Pine.
d) The area was said to remind the early settlers of the fiords of Norway.

5. Which of the following towns is furthest away from Ottawa?
a) Shawville.
b) Fort Coulonge.
c) Buckingham
d) Grand-Remous.

6. Shawville is named after whom?
a) William Shaw, a government surveyor.
b) James Shaw, the village’s first postmaster.
c) Playwright George Bernard Shaw, who once visited the area.
d) Robert Shaw, the famous actor.

7. What does the name Maniwaki signify?
a) Maniwaki is Algonquin for “place to portage the canoe.”
b) Maniwaki is Algonquin for “place of many pines.”
c) Maniwaki is Algonquin for “land of Mary.”
d) Maniwaki is Japanese for “a lot of people could not sleep here.”

8. Which of the following communities is furthest north on the Gatineau River?
a) Gracefield
b) Kazabazua
c) Maniwaki
d) Bouchette

9. Which of the following villages is currently the county seat of Pontiac MRC?
a) Campbell’s Bay
b) Fort-Coulonge
c) Portage-du-Fort
d) Shawville

10) Which of the following villages was previously the county seat of Pontiac County?
a) Bristol
b) Bryson
c) Otter Lake
d) Waltham

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