Norma Geggie (Reprinted with permission from Wakefield Revisited, 2003)

There are several small private cemeteries in the Wakefield area, possibly due to the fact that none of the churches within the community had property enough to provide for burial.

An area for a cemetery was donated by George Hall, on land adjoining his farm property on the outskirts of the village. This thus became the earliest community burial ground, holding the headstones of many of the original Protestant settlers (including William Fairbairn).

Image retirée.A second area on the hill behind the MacLaren brick home was probably originally intended for family burial only. In time, however, it provided space for people associated in some way with the MacLaren business. For at lest fifty years the MacLaren Cemetery has been available for general burials.

Both of these sites have, since the 1960s, been under the jurisdiction of a Cemetery Committee with representation from both the Anglican and United Churches. This volunteer organization does a remarkable job of maintaining both Hall and MacLaren Cemeteries.

The latter is the resting place of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson, who spent leisure time in the Gatineau. Early in his career with the Department of External Affairs, Mr. Pearson and friends Norman Robertson and Hume Wrong owned property nearby in the Gatineau. The three men reserved adjoining plots, and are now buried with their wives in MacLaren Cemetery. Canadians from across the country come to pay homage to the former Prime Minister, also well known as a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace.