
Dwane Wilkin and Sandra Stock represented QAHN at the final event of the successful Secrétariat des relations avec les Québécois…

QAHN hosted a walking tour on Mount Royal today with historian and guide Rod MacLeod.
Held in partnership with the Festival d'…

QAHN's walking tour today of Philipsburg, on the shores of Lake Champlain, featured Heather Darch. Special guests: the Quebec…

--February 23, 2022.
Today the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) welcomed nearly a dozen member groups from across Quebec…

Joyeux temps des Fêtes de nous tous au RPAQ! Prenez bien soin de vous (et de vos proches)...
Veuillez prendre note que nos…

Sherbrooke Record / Brome County News. Join us here on QAHN's public Facebook page this coming Sunday, 1-3 p.m.

QAHN headed out to the old Rose Cemetery to film another installment in its ongoing "Scandal Makers" documentary series,…

--September 12, 2021.
QAHN Board and Staff headed out today to Canterbury Church (now Canterbury Centre), near Bury, in Quebec's…