
--July 29, 2022.
This past week, QAHN's Heather Darch and Glenn Patterson headed down to Heritage New Carlisle on the Gaspé Coast…

--July 29, 2022.
This past week, QAHN's Heather Darch and Glenn Patterson headed down to Heritage New Carlisle on the Gaspé Coast…

This past week, Qahn was very pleased to welcome federal Official Languages minister Ginette Petipas Taylor and Agriculture…

Meet the Network: Profiles of Heritage Groups across Quebec.
84 pages; lavishly illustrated; full colour. $20 plus postage.…

--February 23, 2022.
Today the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) welcomed nearly a dozen member groups from across Quebec…

Joyeux temps des Fêtes de nous tous au RPAQ! Prenez bien soin de vous (et de vos proches)...
Veuillez prendre note que nos…

"COM-Unity" Project: "BELONGING"
Discover how Quebec’s English-speakers see themselves!
ONLINE, June 10, 2021, 12 noon.

Glenn Patterson, project director of QAHN's project "A Different Tune: Musical Heritage in English-speaking Quebec," co-hosted (…
Depuis le 1 décembre, le RPAQ est dans ses nouveaux bureaux!
Depuis le 1 décembre, le RPAQ est dans ses nouveaux bureaux!
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