Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

Fascinating Forillon, Part 1

This is the first part of a series written by Cynthia Dow and published in SPEC in 1995 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Forillon National Park. The series is dedicated to the memory of the late Elwood Dow and his wife Gerty Gavey, uncle and aunt of the author, whose Indian Cove home was expropriated to make way for the Park.

The Big Fish

Image retirée.One day on the Gaspé in 1939 a man by the name of Esmond B. Martin caught the largest Atlantic salmon ever taken in North American waters, here on our own river the Grand Cascapedia. Although we take it for granted, this river is considered one of the ten best salmon fishing rivers in the world.

La Martre Lighthouse

Image retirée.Erected in 1906 and still operational, this lighthouse has a unique wooden structure. The rotation of the lighting module is still operated by the original clockwork system (cable and weights). Spectacular view from the top of the walkway. Guided visits.

Mots and Phrases of the Gaspé

Image retirée.Art Campbell was a highly respected teacher and community member. He retired from Bishops’ in 1983 and returned to Grand Cascapedia where he would write this humorous and heart-warming makeshift dictionary, a real Gaspesian treasure. The book appeals to those lucky enough to have been born in the Gaspe, and to those “from away”.