Historic Landmarks

Jacques Cartier's Cross

Although Jacques Cartier has planted five crosses during his travels from 1534 and 1535-36, only one, planted in Gaspé in July 1534, marks his official taking possession of the new territory on behalf of the king of France, Francis I. On August 25, 1934, during the 400th anniversary celebrations of the arrival of Cartier in Gaspé, the Historic Sites and Monuments of Canada unveiled a cross in Gaspé made of granite measuring 10 meters high and weighing 29 tons.

Jacques Cartier Monument National Historic Site of Canada, Gaspé

The Jacques Cartier Monument National Historic Site is composed of six cast-iron stelae in shapes that recall the flat pebbles of the Gaspé Peninsula beaches, the mountainous profile of Forillon National Park of Canada and the standing stones of Brittany. The bas-reliefs on the stelae portray the principle scenes of the historic encounter between Europeans and Amerindians on July 24, 1534 when Jacques Cartier erected a cross on the shore of Gaspé Bay before a group of troubled Kwedech (Iroquois).

Cannons of Fort Prével, Gaspé

Since the Gulf of St. Lawrence was a strategic spot for enemy invasions (German submarines were known to be there starting in 1941), Gaspé became a strategic spot for the Ministry of National Defence. A naval base with 3000 men was built at Sandy Beach in order to patrol the Gulf. Strategic forts were sprinkled over the territory, and remnants of that time still exist today, such as the Fort Peninsula galleries at the entrance to Forillon National Park, the Fort Ramsay naval base at Sandy Beach, and the shoreline batteries at Cap-aux-Os and Fort- Prével.

Landmarks of New Carlisle

Fauvel Monument
The Fauvel Monument was erected in honour of William LeBoutillier Fauvel (1850-1897), on the day of his burial 1897.

Originally from Jersey Island, William Fauvel was without a doubt one of New Carlisle’s most illustrious citizens ever.Son of John Fauvel, he managed one of the town’s long disappeared landmarks, LeBoutillier Brothers Store.He was mayor of New Carlisle from 1889-1897. He was elected as the county’s first federal deputy in 1891, and re-elected in 1896.

La Martre Lighthouse

Image retirée.Erected in 1906 and still operational, this lighthouse has a unique wooden structure. The rotation of the lighting module is still operated by the original clockwork system (cable and weights). Spectacular view from the top of the walkway. Guided visits.