Matthew Farfan

Aerial view.For those interested in a heritage of a different kind, Hydro-Quebec’s Rapides-Farmer power generating station on the Gatineau River makes for a truly fascinating and eye-opening visit.

Constructed in 1927 when hydro-electric sites were being developed all across the province of Quebec, the facility has a current production capacity of 98 megawatts of electricity, with a waterfall of over 20 metres.

Guided tours of the facility are free, and visitors of all ages are generally quite impressed by what they see, especially the immense humming generators.

Rapides-Farmer Generating Station is located at 2740 Saint-Louis Street, Gatineau, a few minutes from downtown Gatineau. The facility is open to the public from mid-May to early September. Visitors over 18 years of age are required to present identification. For more information on opening hours, call toll free 1 (800) 365-5229. (Photos courtesy of Hydro-Québec)

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