Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

Canadian Irish Migration Preservation Network (CIMPN) Wins 2024 Richard Evans Award!


Sherbrooke, Qc., April 29, 2024 – The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) is pleased to announce the Canadian Irish Migration Preservation Network (CIMPN) as this year’s recipient of the Richard Evans Award in recognition of outstanding long-term contributions by an organization or group of volunteers to the preservation and promotion of Anglophone heritage in the province of Quebec.

QAHN "MATCH" Training Program Continues to Grow

Archival training session, Montreal.

--February 7, 2024.

QAHN's 3-year “Mentorship Assistance and Training for Community Heritage (MATCH)” program, funded by Quebec’s Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise (SRQEA), continues to grow as it approaches the one-year mark.

Décès de Kevin O’Donnell, ancien président du RPAQ

Kevin O'Donnell

--le 25 janvier 2024.

C’est avec une grande tristesse que le RPAQ annonce le décès de notre cher ami et collègue Kevin O’Donnell.  Kevin a siégé au Conseil d’administration du RPAQ de 2006 à 2008 et en a été le président de 2008 à 2013. Meneur infatigable et sans peur, il n’a jamais craint d’exprimer le fond de sa pensée. Il entretenait une vision forte de notre organisation et travaillait passionnément à en élargir la mission. Il aura continué à nous appuyer jusqu’à ses dernières heures. Tu vas nous manquer, Kevin! 

2024 QAHN Member Survey!

2024 QAHN Member Survey!

QAHN is always working to better serve our members, and the heritage community at large.

We've developed this quick survey to find out what programs and services are of greatest interest, and to help us better fulfill our mandate. Please take a few moments to answer the following 10-question survey. Let us know how we're doing. Or how we can improve... 

We really appreciate your feedback!