Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

Heritage Live in Stanstead: it's a wrap!

Co-hosts Glenn Patterson and Heather Darch

The third in the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network's ongoing series of "Heritage Live" hybrid events took place on Sunday at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead. The event was combined with the 6th annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair, featuring kiosks by the Lac-Brome Museum, LAHMS, the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, the Bury Historical and Heritage Society, the Georgeville Historical Society, and QAHN.

Grants for Anglophone heritage and cultural organizations announced by QAHN

The Morrin Centre in Quebec City is one of this year's grant recipients.

--Sherbrooke, September 21, 2022.

The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) has partnered with 15 heritage organizations and community groups, all core members of QAHN and from across the province, to support history and heritage research projects and exhibitions that highlight Quebec’s English-speaking communities.

Richmond County Museum welcomes first visitor on new QAHN / Secretariat-sponsored wheelchair ramp!

Richmond County Museum's first visitor via its new handicap ramp! Photo - Norma Husk.

--August 15, 2022.

Richmond County Historical Society president Norma Husk reports that the museum has just welcomed its very first visitor, a native of Drummondville, via the newly installed wheelchair ramp. It will be recalled that the ramp, as well as a new handicap-accessible bathroom, and other related modifications to Melbourne's historic former manse, were paid for through QAHN's "Local Built Heritage Restoration" project, which was itself funded by Quebec's Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise (SRQEA).