The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) is a network of people and organizations passionate about the history and heritage of Quebec's English-speaking communities. We provide a wide range of programming to serve these communities and assist our members in carrying out their own heritage initiatives...
Support from our members allows us to carry out this work. Please consider joining our organization.
To download the QAHN membership brochure, click here!
Core Members
Organizations whose mandates are primarily focused on heritage. Core members hold 3 votes at QAHN member meetings. They are listed on the QAHN website. Membership is for the fiscal year April 1 to March 31, renewable in April. $40.00 for 1 year / $100.00 for 3 years / $160.00 for 5 years / $280.00 for 10 years.
Affiliate Members
Organizations whose mandates can include heritage, but whose activities are not entirely devoted to heritage preservation and promotion in Quebec. Affiliate members hold 1 vote at QAHN member meetings. They are listed on the QAHN website. Membership is for the fiscal year April 1 to March 31, renewable in April. $40.00 for 1 year / $100.00 for 3 years / $160.00 for 5 years / $280.00 for 10 years.
Individual Members
Individuals interested in Quebec's heritage and culture. Individual members hold 1 vote at QAHN member meetings.Membership is valid for one year from the date of activation of membership, regardless of date. $30.00 for 1 year / $75.00 for 3 years / $120.00 for 5 years / $210.00 for 10 years.
Family Membership (including parents & children residing at a single postal address). Family members hold 1 vote at QAHN member meetings. Membership is valid for one year from the date of activation of membership, regardless of date. $40.00 for 1 year / $100.00 for 3 years / $160.00 for 5 years / $280.00 for 10 years.
Membership is valid for one year from the date of activation of membership, regardless of date. Student members hold 1 vote at QAHN member meetings.$20.00 (annual membership only) / *Proof of current student status is required
Quebec Heritage News
Members receive the acclaimed quarterly print magazine Quebec Heritage News. Devoted to the history and heritage of Quebec, this English-language magazine features articles on history, current events, and issues of concern to Quebec’s heritage community, as well as book reviews and much more.
Members with email addresses are added to HeritageLine, a bi-weekly e-bulletin that keeps members abreast of current funding opportunities and ongoing museum and historical society projects.
Information and Referral Service
QAHN members can contact us if they have questions, comments or concerns. QAHN is here to help.
Member Discounts
Rebates on most QAHN publications and other products;
Reduced registration fees for QAHN conferences, workshops, AGMs and other events.
Other Benefits:
Limited free publicity for events (on QAHN's websites and through Heritage Line); Exclusive invitations to special QAHN activities; Voting privileges at Annual General Meetings (core members only); Free kiosk at AGMs (core members only); Free pamphlet distribution at selected outreach events; and membership in a province-wide network devoted to the preservation and promotion of the heritage, history and culture of Quebec's English-speaking communities.
For more information:
[email protected] / (819) 564-9595 / toll free (877) 964-0409
To pay by e-transfer:
just forward payment to: [email protected]...
and be sure to send us a quick email with your mailing address!
To pay by cheque, please mail payment to:
3355, rue College, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1M 0B8
To pay by Paypal:
To make a donation: Your support is important to us! TO MAKE A DONATION, please click on the icon at the bottom of this page: