QAHN's founding conference takes place in June at Bishop's University in Lennoxville. Richard Evans is the founding president. Proceedings of conference are titled Building a Future for Our Past.
Valérie Bridger becomes QAHN's communications coordinator. QAHN's first office is with LAHMS at Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre in Lennoxville.

QAHN begins publication of its magazine, Quebec Heritage News, which is issued six times a year.
QAHN initiates its Marion Phelps Award, named after the long-time curator of the Brome County Historical Society. This award is presented annually to an individual for his or her long-term contributions to the protection and preservation of Anglophone heritage in Quebec.
QAHN's annual conference, titled "For a Living Heritage," is held at Macdonald College on Montreal's West Island.
QAHN begins publishing a series of bilingual brochures, researched and written by Dwane Wilkin, on regional Anglophone history in Quebec. Collectively these brochures are called Heritage Trails.
In collaboration with the Gatineau Valley Historical Society, QAHN organizes a conference titled "Behind the Scenes" in Gatineau.
QAHN assists the Fédération des sociétés d’histoire du Québec (FSHQ) in organizing a conference on "Cemetery Heritage" in Granby.
QAHN hosts a workshop, titled "Historians at Work," at McGill University in Montreal.
QAHN's annual Heritage Essay Contest is launched in Quebec schools.
Valérie Bridger is named executive director.
Noreen Corcoran named interim executive director.
Rod MacLeod is elected president at the 2003 AGM.
Charles Bury named interim executive director.
QAHN completes the last of its 20 Heritage Trails. Historical societies and tourist bureaus continue to distribute these brochures, which are also available online at www.quebecheritageweb.com.
QAHN sponsors the creation of an Oral History Manual for Quebec high schools and promotes the manual as a tool for raising interest among students in local history. Coordinator: Ron Ratcliffe.
In partnership with the FSHQ, QAHN hosts a symposium titled "Two Solitudes: Myths and Realities," which focuses on the historic relationship between Quebec’s Anglophone and Francophone communities.
QAHN acquires the popular Internet publication,Townships Heritage WebMagazine, developed by Townshippers' Association, and edited by project manager Matthew Farfan.
Dwane Wilkin named interim executive director.
The Quebec Heritage Web portal is launched in Morin Heights, together with Laurentian Heritage Webmagazine which, along with Townships Heritage, is now the second regional on-line heritage magazine maintained by QAHN.
QAHN carries out its "Prospecting for Heritage" inventory of Anglophone heritage resources in four regions.
A review of Quebec’s Cultural Properties Act leads QAHN to develop an endangered heritage policy. The policy leads to the presentation of a brief before the parliamentary committee hearings into the future management of religious heritage in Quebec. QAHN’s brief criticizes shortcomings in the existing method for computing the eligibility of Quebec’s religious buildings for public restoration subsidies. The QAHN document also contains an appeal for considering old cemeteries as heritage sites.
Dwane Wilkin named executive director.
QAHN develops a series of bilingual presentations on local heritage conservation designed for rural communities. The Heritage Awareness and Stewardship Training Initiative (HASTI) takes place in four regions and attracts 250 participants in 13 municipalities. As part of this project, a bilingual, 28-page workbook, Bright Futures begin in the Past / Parlons de notre Patrimoine, is produced, describing how municipalities and individuals can use existing legislation to protect local heritage sites. Project manager: Josiane Caillet.
QAHN launches its third regional on-line heritage magazine, Outaouais Heritage Webmagazine, in Wakefield.
QAHN hosts the "Montreal Mosaic Heritage Summit" at the McCord Museum in Montreal, bringing together speakers and participants from diverse cultural communities to share stories about the multicultural origins of English-speaking Montreal.
QAHN works with the Eastern Townships Tourism Association to create an English version of the Chemin des Cantons / Townships Trail heritage-tourism audio guide.
A brief on the “reasonable accommodation” of ethnic minorities in Quebec is submitted by QAHN to the Bouchard-Taylor Commission. The brief underlines the historic diversity of Quebec’s English speakers.
As part of its Cemetery Heritage Inventory and Restoration Initiative (CHIRI), QAHN conducts an exhaustive survey of conditions in at-risk cemeteries in four regions. Over 300 burial grounds associated with historic English-speaking communities are evaluated. Project leader: Matthew Farfan.
QAHN organizes two day-long conferences, titled "These Old Stones," on cemetery heritage and conservation, bringing together 150 cemetery trustees in the Eastern Townships and the Laurentians.
Cemetery Heritage in Quebec: A Handbook is released. This book provides an overview of legislation governing cemeteries in Quebec, tips on attracting donations and volunteers, and general recommendations for the care of graveyards.
QAHN submits a brief to Quebec’s Ministry of Culture during public consultations on Quebec's proposed Cultural Heritage Act. QAHN recommends that Quebec do the following:
Strengthen public awareness of heritage issues in Quebec by enabling local heritage organizations to provide practical conservation advice to local authorities;
Establish and provide financial support for a summer-employment programme in Quebec's regions to assist heritage organizations;
Designate as protected cultural sites all active and inactive cemeteries in Quebec by bringing existing legislation governing cemetery properties into line with the aims of the proposed new Cultural Property Act.
QAHN partners with the Blue Metropolis Foundation to create the Voices From Quebec oral-history documentary project in ten Quebec high schools.
QAHN's new Internet magazine, Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine, developed in partnership with CASA, is launched in New Carlisle.
QAHN hosts the "Sister Societies Symposium," a celebration of the historic presence of Montreal’s Scots, Irish and Welsh communities.
In collaboration with the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec and Shalom Quebec, and to mark the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City by Samuel de Champlain, QAHN coordinates the "Roots Quebec Heritage Summit" at Quebec's Morrin Centre.
Kevin O'Donnell is elected president of QAHN at the 2008 AGM.
Spring 2019: Rod MacLeod becomes Editor of Quebec Heritage News magazine.
QAHN's 9th annual conference, titled "Paths to Our Heritage," takes place on Mount Royal in Montreal.
QAHN adopts a five-year strategic plan.
In partnership with CASA, QAHN organizes the Gaspesian Regional Heritage Summit, which takes place in New Richmond.
In association with the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) and other Montreal-based organizations, QAHN launches the Montreal Mosaic WebMagazine.
QAHN undertakes its Heritage On-line Multimedia Enrichment Initiative (HOMEI), which entails the conversion of QAHN's heritage webmagazines to an open-source format, the addition of new multi-media content, the development of stronger links with regional tourism associations, and the creation of French-language equivalents for all of these sites. Project manager: Matthew Farfan.
QAHN's SHOMI (Spoken Heritage On-line Multimedia Initiative) is launched as a way of gathering and disseminating digitally oral history recordings via the Quebec Heritage Web. The project also entails the creation of original multi-media history exhibits in different regions of Quebec. QAHN undertakes a successful partnership with Concordia's Centre for Digital Storytelling (COHDS). Project manager: Megan Switzer.
QAHN initiates its new Richard Evans Award, presented annually to a community group working for heritage preservation.
QAHN's "Ways of Memory" conference is held in Orford, Quebec.
A "Ways of Memory: the Montreal Experience" conference is held at Concordia University in Montreal. Special guest speakers include Dinu Bumbaru, Michael Fish and Helen Foutopolis.
Quebec Heritage News moves to a quarterly format.
Matthew Farfan named interim executive director.
QAHN's 2011 AGM is held at the Morrin Centre in Quebec City.
QAHN begins publishing Quebec Heritage News with full-colour covers. Paid advertising also increasing.
The project, "Inspiring Heritage Renewal and Identity Together (INHERIT)," is launched as a way of strengthening links between schools and community groups by enabling young people to participate in learning projects that contribute to local history and heritage awareness. Workshops involving educators and heritage sector volunteers are held in various regions of Quebec. Project manager: Dwane Wilkin.
Matthew Farfan named executive director.
QAHN launches a new Heritage Photo Contest in Quebec high schools.
QAHN receives funding for its ambitious StoryNet initiative. Through StoryNet, and in partnership with the Quebec Writer's Federation (QWF), the English Language Arts Network (ELAN), the National Film Board (NFB) and CBC Radio, QAHN develops creative non-fiction, broadcast radio and documentary storytelling by English-speaking Quebec creators to explores stories relating to the culture and heritage of Quebec's English-speaking communities.
The 2012 QAHN AGM is held at Champlain Regional College in St. Lambert, Quebec. In conjunction with this event, QAHN holds a Young Leaders Heritage Fair to showcase youth projects inspired by the InHerit initiative. QAHN inaugurates a new InHerit Awards to recognize volunteerism among youth in the heritage field.
QAHN receives funding from Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) for its project, "Mapping the Mosaic: Montreal and Its Diverse Neighbourhoods," which will allow the network to develop a digital map of historic Montreal. Project manager: Geoff Agombar.
QAHN's project, "Significant Objects for Telling Identity (SOFTI): English Quebec through 100 Objects" gets approval. This major PCH-funded initiative will enable QAHN to create a sophisticated portrait of Quebec's disparate English-speaking communities through the lens of carefully selected and researched cultural objects. With the collaboration of heritage partners across the province, QAHN will create a "100 Objects" website and companion DVD. Project managers: Heather Darch and Rachel Garber.
QAHN bookkeeper Marion Greenlay receives 2012 Outstanding Townshipper award.
QAHN conference "Running a Successful Small Museum from A to Z," featuring Heather Darch takes place in Wakefield.
"Mapping the Mosaic" website is launched at McCord Museum in Montreal.
"100 Objects DVD" website is launched at Uplands in Lennoxville.
QAHN website StoryNet.ca features audio recordings of Quebecers from different backgrounds with interesting life stories. Many of these recordings, collected by project manager Dwane Wilkin, are featured on "Breakaway," on CBC Radio.
"100 Objects" DVD is produced, featuring texts and images about the 100 objects featured in SOFTI, and six short documentary films.
2013 QAHN convention is held at Golden Rule Lodge #5 in Stanstead. Over 60 delegates take part. 2013 award recipients: Bill Young (Marion Phelps Award); Richmond County Historical Society (Richard Evans Award); Kevin O'Donnell (Special Award); and Marion Greenlay (Special Award).
Simon Jacobs is elected president of QAHN at June AGM.
New corporate bylaws adopted by AGM.
QAHN's 15-month project "Security for Heritage Outreach and Workshop Initiative" (SHOWI) is funded by PCH. Project managers: Heather Darch and Dwane Wilkin.
Work begins on new 5-year strategic plan.
QAHN's 1st annual Montreal Wine & Cheese takes place at Black Community Resource Centre.
Mapping the Mosaic wins 1st Prize from the Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) in the Interactive Digital category. This prestigious, professionally-judged map competition for North American cartographers receives entries from all over Canada and the United States.
2014 Island of Stories competition, in partnership with the QFHSA.
2014 QAHN convention takes place in Stanbridge East. Over 70 delegates take part. 2014 award recipients: Adelaide Lanktree and Louise Hall (Marion Phelps Award); Missisquoi Museum (Richard Evans Award).
2014-2019 Strategic Plan is unanimously adopted by members at the June 2014 convention.
Successful "Security for Heritage" (SHOWI) conferences take place in Montreal, Quebec City, New Richmond, Eaton Corner, Stanbridge East and Wakefield.
QAHN publishes a series of 10 bilingual "Security for Heritage" handbooks and a CD ("OPERA") on emergency planning.
QAHN celebrates 15th anniversary.
2nd Annual Montreal Wine and Cheese is held at the Centre d'histoire de Montréal.
2015 QAHN convention takes place over two full days in the Lower Ottawa Valley, including events at Auberge des Gallants (Sainte-Marthe); Christ Church, St. Andrew's East (AGM); Carillon (guided tours with animation at the Carillon hydro dam and the Argenteuil Regional Museum); Cushing (AGM lunch, talk, awards ceremony and guided tour of St. Mungo's Church); and Chute-à-Blondeau, Ontario (guided tours of the Macdonell-Williamson House; talks). Record 80+ attendees. 2015 award recipients: Elaine Fuller (Marion Phelps Award); Scotch Road Cemetery Association (Richard Evans Award); and Rod MacLeod (Special Recognition Award).
QAHN's 15-month project "Fostering Organizational Renewal through Enriching Volunteer Experience and Recognition" (FOREVER) is awarded funding from PCH. Project managers: Heather Darch and Dwane Wilkin.
QAHN's 8-month project "Housewife Heroines: Anglophone Women at Home in Montreal during World War II" is funded through PCH's World War Commemorations Community Fund. Lorraine O'Donnell and Patrick Donovan are hired as lead researchers and curators of the project, which includes a series of workshops in Montreal, a traveling exhibition, published articles and an International Women's Day event.
QAHN receives an Outstanding Achievement Award in Education from the City of Sherbrooke (Lennoxville Borough).
3rd Annual Montreal Wine and Cheese takes place at Château Ramezay in Old Montreal; nearly 100 people take part.
"Housewife Heroines" traveling exhibition shown at venues in Beaconsfield, Stanstead, Lachine, Sherbrooke, Bedford, Stanbridge East, Morin Heights, and Wakefield. Conferences take place at an International Women's Day event in Lachine and at Atwater Library.
"Volunteering Matters"conferences take place as part of QAHN's FOREVER project at the Château Ramezay (Montreal), the Morrin Centre (Quebec City), the Colby-Curtis Museum (Stanstead), the
Wakefield-LaPêche Community Centre (Wakefield), at the Musée de la Gaspésie (Gaspé), and the Brome County Museum (Knowlton).
QAHN publishes a series of 8 bilingual Volunteering Matters handbooks, and a 40-page toolkit for volunteers.
QAHN's 2016 Convention and AGM take place over three days in Sherbrooke, June 2-4. Thursday activities include open houses at QAHN, Uplands/LAHMS and the ETRC.
Friday includes: visits to Plymouth-Trinity Church, the Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke, the Société d'histoire de Sherbrooke, and Winter Prison. Guest speakers include: Stuart Robinson (Plymouth-Trinity), Michel Forest (Frederick Simpson Coburn), and Serge Malenfant (Sherbrooke's murals). Visitors also received a guided tour of several of Sherbrooke's murals. Saturday includes: the AGM, networking and heritage displays, a banquet and awards ceremony, and a conference on Winter Prison by Michel Harnois of the Société d'histoire de Sherbrooke.
The 2016 Marion Phelps Award is presented to Doreen Lindsay of the Westmount Historical Association; the Richard Evans Award goes to the Sherbrooke-based not-for-profit organization Murales Urbaines à Revitalisation d’Immeubles et de Réconciliation Sociale (MURIRS), which is responsible for creating the murals around Sherbrooke.
QAHN's new 15-month project "Diversifying Resources to Ensure the Advancement of Mission" (DREAM) is funded by Canadian Heritage. Project gets under way in August. Over the next year, fundraising conferences are organized across Quebec, with events in Stanstead, Wakefield, Morin Heights, Huntingdon, Montreal and Eaton Corner. Project Directors: Heather Darch & Dwane Wilkin.
As part of DREAM, a series of 8 bilingual "DREAM" fundraising handbooks are published.
In partnership with PCH and ELAN, QAHN co-hosts the 7th annual meeting of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group at McGill University.
QAHN-FHQ Joint 2017 Convention & AGM takes place in Montreal in honour of the city's 375th anniversary. Over 220 people attend convention-related events, including an opening cocktail at the Masonic Temple of Montreal, conferences and tours in French and English, training sessions and closing banquet and awards ceremony. The 2017 Marion Phelps Award is presented to Rick Smith; while the Richard Evans Award goes to the Park Extension Historical Society.
QAHN hosts a successful "Eastern Townships Heritage Fair" at the Eaton Corner Museum. 13 organizations participate.
Three veteran QAHN directors received accolades: Richard Evans (a Canada 150 Volunteer Award); JoAnn Oberg-Muller (a 2017 Outstanding Townshipper Award); and Sandra Stock (a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Morin Heights Historical Association).
QAHN takes part in consultations with Quebec's Ministère de la Culture and with the House of Commons Standing Committee on Official Languages and the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL).
In collaboration with the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (Concordia), QAHN publishes a special edition of Quebec Heritage News
spotlighting the Negro Community Centre and the Black community of Montreal. A launch event at the Atwater Library in Westmount attracts over 200 people.
QAHN launches its new "Heritage Talks" series, featuring conferences by historians and heritage specialists at venues around Quebec. Lectures take place in Montreal, Westmount, Wakefield, Knowlton, Stanbridge East, Ormstown, Lennoxville, and Stanstead.
5th annual Montreal Wine & Cheese takes place at the historic Château Dufresne.
Funding received from Canadian Heritage (PCH) for 15-month project "Heritage, Culture & Communication: Balancing Traditional & Digital Media in a Changing World." Project Director: Dwane Wilkin.
PCH funding received for the 15-month project "Diversity & Achievement in Anglophone Quebec." Project Directors: Rod MacLeod & Heather Darch.
QAHN's Annual Convention & AGM take place at the Domaine Cataraqui in Quebec City. Grant Myers elected President. Don Stewart of Morin Heights received the 2018 Marion Phelps Award; the Morrin Centre of Quebec City received the Richard Evans Award.
2nd Annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair takes place at the historic Melbourne Township municipal hall. Over a dozen heritage groups from across the region participate. Guest speakers spotlight the heritage of the St. Francis River Valley; new traveling exhibition "Waterways of the St. Francis" is unveiled.
QAHN collaborates once again with Concordia University's Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling (COHDS) to produce original material for the Fall 2018 edition of Quebec Heritage News. Nineteen students participate. Launch event takes place at COHDS.
QAHN's 2nd annual "Heritage Talks" lecture series gets under way. Funding is provided by the Chawkers Foundation. Project director: Christina Adamko.
6th annual Montreal Wine & Cheese, Atwater Library.
QAHN's 2019 Convention & AGM takes place over two days in June at venues in and around Knowlton.

QAHN's new 15-month project "A Different Tune: Musical Heritage in English-speaking Quebec" gets under way in August. Project Director: Glenn Patterson.
QAHN's first-ever West Quebec Heritage Fair, organized by Dwane Wilkin, takes place at the Fairbairn House Heritage Centre in Wakefield. Over a dozen heritage and cultural organizations, both Anglophone and Francophone, including the Kitigan Zibi Cultural Centre of Mainwaki, take part in the day-long event. Several guest speakers participate, including Lionel Whiteduck of Maniwaki.
This activity is funded through the project "Heritage, Culture & Communication: Balancing Traditional & Digital Media in a Changing World."
QAHN's "Diversity & Achievement in Anglophone Quebec" includes events at 15 heritage and cultural organizations, as well as five high schools, across the province. Project directors Heather Darch and Rod MacLeod, coordinate the production of a 24-panel bilingual traveling exhibition. Project staff, with important contributions from a number of other contributors, including Dorothy Williams, Fergus Keyes, Kevin Deer and others, produce a new bilingual history publication for high schools and the general public called Diversity & Achievement in Anglophone Quebec: Your Story, Our Story. This book is designed as a supplement to Quebec's ill-written official high school history curriculum. New Heritage Tours on Philipsburg-St-Armand and Black Little Burgundy are also produced.
The 3rd annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair takes place (as part of the "Diversity" project) at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead. Included on the program are: musical performances; heritage woodworking and blacksmithing demonstrations; conferences on historic photography; the "Diversity" project; Indigenous heritage and culture; displays by over a dozen regional heritage group; and QAHN's new traveling "Diversity" exhibition. Nearly 200 people take part in the day-long event.
"Diversity & Achievement" comes to an end in October.
"Heritage, Culture & Communication" comes to a conclusion in October. The final event in a series of day-long "Communication Matters" conferences held across Quebec takes place at the Kempffer House in New Carlisle.
QAHN's 3rd annual "Heritage Talks" lecture series, scheduled for the first half of 2020, is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Chawkers Foundation, Zeller Family Foundation, and the Townshippers Foundation. Final program includes 16 events. Project director: Christina Adamko.
Online Irish heritage and culture event is viewed by 1,000 people.
QAHN participates in roving consultations held in Sherbrooke and Quebec City by Quebec's Secretariat for relations with English-speaking Quebecers.
QAHN partners for a third time with Concordia's Centre for Oral History & Digital Storytelling on a special "oral history" issue of Quebec Heritage News. A launch takes place at COHDS in November.

QAHN reaches an important milestone: 20 years!
QAHN participates in the 5th annual consultation of the Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages (CADMOL), Ottawa.
2020 Heritage Talks program (15 conferences) gets under way in February. Project Director: Christina Adamko.
10th annual Arts, Culture & Heritage Working Group Meeting in Montreal, co-hosted by PCH, QAHN and ELAN.
Covid-19 hits in March, obliging QAHN to cancel many conferences and other events (including its annual Montreal Wine & Cheese and its 2020 Convention in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue) and reformat its programming to online. Zoom and Facebook Live become our media of choice.
"Reconciling History: Indigenous Voices in Quebec Heritage" (originally a one-day colloquium) becomes a series of online events.
A new series of traveling display banners and a bilingual publication called Quebec Anglophone Heritage Netywork: 20 Years and Counting are produced in honour of QAHN's 20th anniversary.
New project, "Heritage Programming to Foster Belonging and Well-being," funded by the Government of Quebec's Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise, gets under way in July. Project Director: Dwane Wilkin.
Heather Darch hosts a series of short documentary films in graveyards in Missisquoi.
QAHN hosts its 4th annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair as an entirely online event.
2020 QAHN AGM takes place in November online. Over 50 people attend via Zoom.
Heritage Talks Online. Hugely successful series features 15 online presentations on a wide range of historical subjects. Funding is secured again from the Chawkers and Zeller Family foundations. Project Director: Heather Darch. Digital Media Specialist: Glenn Patterson.
In honour of its 20th anniversary, QAHN publishes Historical Views: Selections from Quebec Heritage News 2000-2020, a 2-volume anthology in box set and hardcover versions. Editors: Matthew Farfan and Rod MacLeod.
Funding is secured from Quebec's Secretariat for "Belonging & Identity 2." Through this project, 11 local heritage groups in communities all across Quebec receive financial support and mentoring from QAHN. Project Director: Dwane Wilkin.
2021 QAHN AGM takes place online in June. Over 65 people attend via Zoom. Steven Aulis receives the Marion Phelps Award; the Château Ramezay English-speaking Guides Association receives the Richard Evans Award.
Scandal Makers, Series 2, featuring cemetery heritage in Stanstead and Compton counties is moderated by Heather Darch, with technical assistance by Thomas Gasser.
5th Annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair (Online).
A special "selfie video" series called "Meet the Network," and broadcast on social media, features short clips of an array of QAHN members from across Quebec and Canada. Coordinator: Glenn Patterson.
Funding is secured from Quebec's Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise for a new QAHN project called the "Local Built Heritage Restoration Initiative." 5 local museums in 3 regions receive funding through this project for heritage renovations and facilities upgrades. Project Director: Matthew Farfan, Exec. Dir.
Heritage Talks Online, QAHN's 6th series (January-May 2022) features 17 guest speakers. Project Director: Heather Darch; Digital Media Specialist: Glenn Patterson.
Funding is secured from the Secretariat for "Belonging & Identity 3." Project Director: Heather Darch.
Work begins on a new QAHN Podcast series called Quebec Voices. QAHN President Grant Myers conceived of and is leading this initiative on a volunteer basis.
Work under way on a new QAHN print publication called Meet the Network: Profiles of Heritage Groups across Quebec. Research & Texts: Corrinna Pole et al; Editors: Matthew Farfan & Rod MacLeod.
The "Scandal Makers" documentary series, 3rd edition, takes our film crew to locations in Centre du Québec, including Nicolet, Trois-Rivières and Drummondville. A Film Fest featuring 5 new films takes place in February 2023 at Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre in Lennoxville. Moderator: Heather Darch. Camera work and editing: Thomas Gasser.

"Heritage Live," a series of live, in-person and hybrid events, funded through Canadian Heritage's special "Recovery Fund," take place in Hemmingford, New Carlisle, Stanstead, Mystic, Sherbrooke and Valcartier. Project Directors: Heather Darch and Glenn Patterson.
"Heritage Talks Online," QAHN's 7th series, featuring 8 online conferences, takes place between November 2022 and March 2023. Project Director: Dwane Wilkin.
A new 3-year SRQEA-funded initiative called the "Mentorship and Training for Community Heritage" (MATCH) project gets under way in April 2023. Project aims include training for heritage workers and volunteers at QAHN member-organizations. Project Director: Dwane Wilkin.
For a second year in a row, QAHN partners in May with the Festival d'histoire de Montréal. Historian (and Quebec Heritage News editor) Rod MacLeod leads participants on a walking tour of Mount Royal Cemetery.
QAHN Board of Directors holds a strategy session and retreat in Knowlton.
On October 1, a heritage fair, called "An Afternoon in Mystic," features guided visits to the famous 12-sided Walbridge barn, the village schoolhouse, the church, and a launch of QAHN's new documentary called "It Takes a Village," spotlighting the legacy of local heritage keepers.
In November, QAHN's Montreal Committee hosts a wine and cheese reception at the historic Maison Louis-Joseph Forget.
A major 15-month PCH-funded initiative, called the "Digital Heritage Mentorship Project," under way in the Fall 2022, focuses on training QAHN member-organizations to better reach their publics via digital, online and hybrid programming. Project activities take QAHN across Quebec, including to the Gaspé, the Outaouais, the Magdalen Islands, Quebec City, Montreal, the Eastern Townships, and Montérégie. Project concludes in December 2023. Project Director: Glenn Patterson.

A special edition of QAHN's print magazine Quebec Heritage News is published in November 2023, featuring a single story: "My Dear Mrs. Millar: Soul Tending from the Townships to the Lower North Shore," by historian Yolande Allard, with translation by Julie Miller. A launch event takes place at Uplands Cultural and Heritage Centre in Lennoxville.
"Heritage Talks" (8th series) features eight conferences, six of them online and two in hybrid format.
"Raising Spirits: Exploring the Cemeteries, Crossroads and Vanishing Places of Rural Quebec," QAHN's 4th short documentary film series, is launched at a film fest at Uplands in Lennoxville. Series host: Heather Darch. Camera work & film editing: Allison Kirkwood.
A roundtable discussion for museum professionals and volunteers, focusing on ways to integrate Indigenous history in regional museums, is hosted by QAHN at the Maison Merry in Magog. The guest speaker is Gilbert Whiteduck, a Kitigan Zibi Algonquin elder and president of the Gatineau Valley Historical Society.
Filming for "Raising Spirits" (2nd edition) takes place in the Laurentians. Project staff are assisted by veteran board member Sandra Stock.
New print publications are produced in connection with audio and video techniques, Zoom programming and emergency planning.
QAHN submits brief on Quebec’s proposed Musée national d’histoire. This new museum must reflect the contributions of all Quebecers, the brief states.
In honour of QAHN’s upcoming 25th anniversary, a new logo is adopted.
QAHN sponsors the annual conference of the National Trust for Canada, held in Montreal. Several board members and staff attend conference activities.