Institutional Members

Member Contact Person Email
100 Mile Arts Network
4Korners Stephanie Helmer
78th Fraser Highlanders
Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives Janice Rosen [email protected]
Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans in Canada Unit-318 Museum Tim Belford [email protected]
Atwater Library of Montreal Lynn Verge [email protected]
Avante Women's Centre [email protected]
Aylmer Heritage Association / Association du patrimoine d’Aylmer [email protected]
Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society / Société d'histoire de Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield [email protected]
Bibiothèque et Archives nationales Christine Hamel
Bibliothèque Cécile-Rouleau
Bibliothèque Lennoxville Library
Bishop's University Library-Acquisitions Lee St-Onge [email protected] Dorothy Williams [email protected]
Black Community Resource Centre General [email protected]
Bolton Historical Society/Société d'histoire de Bolton [email protected]
Bury Historical and Heritage Society [email protected]
Canadian Heritage of Quebec General Contact [email protected]
Canadian Irish Migration Preservation Network
Canadian Railroad Historical Association / Association canadienne d'histoire ferroviaire Maurice Benette [email protected]
Cantley 1889 [email protected]
Cascapedia River Museum / Musée de la rivière Cascapédia Julie Schlie [email protected]
Centre for Access to Service in English (CASEMCQ) Shannon Keenan [email protected]
Chaleur Bay Military Museum Gordon Dell
Château Ramezay-Musée et site historique de Montréal André Delisle [email protected]