Richard Evans Award for Outstanding Community Heritage Achievement

QAHN’s annual Richard Evans Award recognizes the outstanding long-term contribution by an organization or group of volunteers to the preservation and promotion of Anglophone heritage in the province of Quebec.

Members of QAHN and members of the general public are invited to nominate organizations or groups of volunteers, including those not affiliated with QAHN, that have consistently exhibited dedication and leadership in working towards the preservation and promotion of Quebec's Anglophone heritage.

The Richard Evans Award is presented at QAHN's annual awards ceremony.

Nominating Procedure
The recipient of the Richard Evans Award is chosen solely on the strength of the nomination documents received by the selection committee.

The following criteria should be taken into consideration:

  • The significance and quality of the nominated group’s contribution to the preservation and promotion of Anglophone heritage in Quebec.
  • The degree of personal dedication in the field of heritage preservation and promotion, as demonstrated by the candidate organization’s level of volunteerism.

To download a fillable form, click on this link!

Be sure to include a concise description of the scope and significance of the nominee’s work in the heritage field, providing a few specific examples. If you wish, you may provide two or three letters of support.

All nomination forms and supporting letters must be submitted before 5 p.m.

Documents may be sent by mail to:
QAHN, 3355 College, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0B8;
By fax to (819) 564-6872; or by email to: [email protected].