Historic Landmarks


Image retirée.Sometimes called "the Barracks", as it was commandeered by the British army and used to house soldiers during the Rebellion of 1837, this building was originally erected by General C. J. Forbes as a warehouse to protect equipment serving the old Carillon Canal. Later, it became the Sovereign Hotel, and in 1934, with the help of Dr. Maude Abbott and Dr.


Image retirée.Grenville had a military presence because of the canal. The original canal was designed and constructed by the Royal Engineers between 1819 and 1833. It was part of the St. Lawrence, Ottawa, and Rideau system which was built at a time when the United States' threat was real. Next to the canal is the lock-keeper's house.


Image retirée.The many stone buildings in Cushing attest to its importance as a commercial centre in the 19th century. Lemuel Cushing, said to have been the most successful businessman in the county, built this imposing store in the 1830s. With a wharf situated on the [nearby] Ottawa River, Cushing was also involved in the fur trade as well as inland commerce.


Image retirée.What is heritage? Webster's defines it as "property that is or can be inherited; something handed down from one's ancestors or the past; a characteristic, culture, or tradition." In its broadest sense, it would seem that heritage can include virtually everything we receive from our predecessors -- even those things that we consider as bad or negative.


Image retirée.Surrounded by birch trees, stands this old militia barracks and drill hall built c.1830. Local names listed in the ranks were those of Sharpes, Copping, Tinkler, and Rowan, all familiar names in the community today. Local militias were set up during a time when Canada was threatened by rebellion from within and invasion from the United States.