Cyrus Thomas (**Reprinted from History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Que. and Prescott, Ont., 1896)

Image removed.St. Mungo's Church (Presbyterian), a solid structure, built after the fashion of the old style Scotch country-parish churches, stands in a fine position on the bank of the Ottawa River, about midway between the villages of Grenville and Carillon. Internally, it is neat, harmonious in all its parts, comfortable and commodious, seating easily about three hundred persons.

Its large side windows, Gothic in style, are of rolled cathedral-stained glass in leaded quarries, with pretty patterns of sash, and harmonizing schemes of color. The end windows, each panel having a beautiful floral design and text of Scripture burned in, on a ground graduated from deep yellow to white, are exceedingly pretty.

Though much has been done of late years, in the way of improvement, as to beauty and comfort, the old-fashioned characteristics of the edifice have been but little interfered with. The old-style gallery around three sides of the church, the old-style pew-ends, and the old-style pulpit, lowered a little from its former towering height, are as a link binding the present to the past -- a past full of the hallowed remembrance of the self-denying labors, energy, perseverence, piety, and realized hopes of worthy forefathers, inproviding for themselves and succeeding generations a fitting house of worship of Almighty God. The church was erected during the year 1836, but though, as soon as possible, used for service, it was some time before it was all finished, and some few years later, before the cost was all paid.The first pastor of this church was the Rev. William Mair, an alumnus of Glasgow University... Coming to Canada, he was ordained and inducted to this charge on the 26th of July, 1833.