Townships Heritage WebMagazine

No Longer Worth a Thousand Words – Our Pictures Not So Perfect

The young boy was standing in front of a small wooden table on which laid a birthday cake with four lit candles. You could see the gleam in the little guy’s face, and his underlying smile of knowing that this was his day to be celebrated, and his day alone. Dressed in a clean white shirt, dark slacks, and a clip-on bow tie, we could sense what he was thinking as he continued his bright-eyed stare into the candles. We could almost feel his wonder at what other miracles life would bring, and that this birthday was certainly one of them.

Premières routes postales

medium_mail.jpgLa distribution du courrier dans les Cantons-de-l'Est date des environs de 1800. À ce moment, presque tous les pionniers venaient d'arriver de Nouvelle-Angleterre. Ces gens s'inquiétaient de ne pouvoir conserver leur liens avec leur ancienne patrie, les amis et la famille qu'ils y avaient laissés.