Joseph Graham

The Commission de Toponymie names three pioneers who contributed to the founding of Brownsburg, George Brown, Daniel Smith and Arthur Howard. Neither Smith nor Howard had anything to do with the original concessions or settlement though. Their roles were played much later. In 1885, the Colt Firearms Company of Connecticut sent Howard and a Gatling gun up to the Canadian Militia to help put down the Métis uprising in the North-West Territories. He was hailed as a hero out west, where he met the Hon. J.J.C. Abbott of St. Andrews East, the future Prime Minister of Canada. He convinced Abbott of the viability of a cartridge factory, and Abbott thereby backed the creation of the Dominion Cartridge Company in his own electoral jurisdiction, acquiring and retooling Daniel Smith's powder mill in Brownsburg in the process. CIL eventually acquired the company and it operates under that name today. For the entire article, click here: