Cyrus Thomas (**Reprinted from History of the Counties of Argenteuil, Que. and Prescott, Ont., 1896)

Image removed.This place, the chef-lieu of the county of Argenteuil, is located on the North River, 9 miles from the Ottawa and 44 north of Montreal. It is also on the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, -- formerly the Q. M. O. & O. Railway. Its location is very pleasant, level, high, the center of a good agricultural district, and the scenery around, especially along the river, is picturesque.

The name was first derived from the fall or chute, and was formerly written La Chute (The Falls), but afterwards the two words were united, hence the name Lachute. No one seems to know how the name of the parish -- St. Jerusalem d'Argenteuil -- of which Lachute forms a part, originated; but it has been stated -- we know not on what authority -- that the name was suggested by Governor Metcalfe.

As the place has grown up chiefly within the last quarter of a century, it naturally has a youthful appearance, nearly all the best buildings being new. From no one part of the corporation can a view of much of it be obtained, hence, on traveling over it, one finds it much larger than he had supposed.

IMPOSING BUILDINGSImage removed. Lachute's Main Street today. (Photo - Matthew Farfan)" />The main street, from the West End, through Upper Lachute is two miles in length, and there are several shorter streets well populated. Many of the private dwellings, both from their location, and architectural neatness, are attractive, while some of the public buildings -- the Registry office, Ville Marie Bank, Argenteuil Hotel, the Academy, the establishments of J. Roby and J. A. Bedard, besides the immense structures of J. C. Wilson, are most imposing in appearance.