Dufferin Heights

Matthew Farfan

larger_img_2985.jpgIt's rare that a golf course attracts visitors just for the view. Dufferin Heights Country Club, at 1500 feet (457 metres), is one such course. Indeed, Dufferin Heights is considered one of the most beautiful golf courses "found anywhere,"(1) and one of the jewels of the Eastern Townships.

The area is named after Lord Dufferin, the Governor General of Canada from 1872-1878. While touring the Eastern Townships in 1878, Dufferin stopped at the height of land that would later bear his name. Arriving at the top with his entourage, he is said to have proclaimed that the view was "the most scenic found anywhere."(1)

medium_dufferin.3.jpgHis Excellency may well have been right. The views from Dufferin Heights are spectacular and extend as far as the eye can see in all directions. The clubhouse occupies a prominent spot, and from the gallery, provides a splendid view of Lake Massawippi and beyond.

Built in 1922 as a nine-hole course, Dufferin was expanded to eighteen holes in the 1990s. One of the most spectacular holes on the course, with its tee close to the clubhouse, is the tenth (above right). Owl's Head and Bear Mountain may be seen far to the west of the green. This hole is a favourite of golfers and photographers alike.

medium_dufferin.4.jpgLong before it was ever called Dufferin Heights, this area was the property of David Morrill, a pioneer from New Hampshire who settled here at the beginning of the 1800s. Morrill and his family cleared the land and farmed it for generations.

medium_monument_0.jpgMorrill descendants still own about ten acres at the summit. It is on their property that can be found a memorial to both World Wars (left) and a Pioneer Monument. The Pioneer Monument, which includes the names of ninety-six pioneers, features a look-out and a bronze relief map of the entire area, designed in 1927 by noted local sculptor, Orson Wheeler.

Dufferin Heights is located on Route 143 in Stanstead East. For information, call (819) 876-2113.

1) Promotional literature, Dufferin Heights Country Club.