Kinnear's Mills

Matthew Farfan

large_kinnearsmills.2.jpgAny outing to the northeastern part of the Townships (the Hautes-Appalaches region) would be incomplete without a visit to Kinnear's Mills. Off the beaten track about 20 km northeast of Thetford Mines, this little hamlet is located at the heart of a hilly region in the Osgood River valley.

Settled during the 19th century by successive waves of Scottish, Irish, English and French Canadian families, Kinnear's Mills retains much of its picturesque charm, including a number of historic buildings, notably the old general store and four churches -- Presbyterian, Anglican, Methodist (United), and Catholic.

large_kinnearsmills.jpgNamed after James Kinnear, a Scotsman who owned the local mill, Kinnear's Mills today is a quiet little village for most of the year -- especially during the winter months.

In the summer, however, animated tours of the village are hosted by guides dressed in period costume and playing the parts of local pioneers, including James Kinnear himself. Activities include folk music, bagpipes, storytelling and more.

Heritage Kinnear's Mills, the local group responsible for these events, has a Heritage Centre in the former Methodist Church, where visitors may learn about pioneer history and view an exhibition of early photographs.