Hunter's Mills

Matthew Farfan

larger_huntersmills.jpgHunter’s Mills is situated on a side-road about mid-way between Stanbridge East and Frelighsburg, along Route 237.

Built up around a small waterfall on the Pike (Brochets) River, Hunter's Mills takes its name from the Hunter family, who ran a woollen mill at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

Once called Lagrange, after the mill’s original owners, Hunter’s Mills was a bustling hamlet in its heyday.

Today, however, little remains of the community apart from a few nineteenth century homes, a cemetery and a bridge near the site of the old mill. The falls at this spot are lovely. As one pauses to peer over the bridge at the gurgling water below, it may seem hard to believe that this was ever the site of a great deal of activity.

Two of the surviving homes in Hunter's Mills have recessed balconies, or loggias, a design feature distinctive of New England and imported to the Eastern Townships. The cemetery, at the junction of Route 237, preserves the names of many of the area's early pioneers.