Trinity Church and Cemetery Turn 150! (*Excerpt from Quebec Heritage News)

Sandra Stock
Trinity Church and cemetery. (Photo - Sandra Stock)

In Morin Heights on Sunday, July 31st, Bishop Barry Clarke of the Anglican Diocese of Montreal led the celebration of Trinity Church’s 150th anniversary. He also presided at the dedication of a new sandstone wall on one street side of the cemetery. This quite lengthy and substantial wall was built by funds donated by families and friends of Trinity, who raised over $20,000 for its construction. A large walnut plaque, to be mounted inside the church, was also presented with the names of those people to whom the wall is dedicated.

Trinity Church was built in 1861 as a squared log structure about the size of the typical pioneer cabin of the time. The logs are now enclosed by dressed lumber siding. The cemetery also dates from this period and has always been a community cemetery, open to all, not just Anglicans. Many of the grave stones date from the earliest settlement, and, considering the harsh Laurentian weather, are in very good condition...

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The complete version of this article appears in Quebec Heritage News, Vol. 6, Number 3, Fall 2011.

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