Another packed QAHN event, this time at Shawville High School in the Pontiac, where QAHN project staff Heather Darch and Rod…
Another packed QAHN event, this time at Shawville High School in the Pontiac, where QAHN project staff Heather Darch and Rod…
Early postcard, c.1910. Photo - private collection. / Ancienne carte postale, c.1910. Photo - collection privée.
Ancienne carte postale photographique, vers 1920. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, c.1920. Private collection.
Ancienne carte postale, vers 1912. Collection privée. Note à l'endos / Note on the back: "Proprietor: Joseph Crochetière, frère…
Hôtel "Commercial," Montebello, 1910. Ancienne carte postale, teintée à la main. Collection privée. / Commercial Hotel,…
It was a busy afternoon today at the 5th annual meeting of the Committee of Assistant Deputy Ministers on Official Languages (…
Heritage Talks: "Anishinabe Heritage of the Outaouais."
It was standing room only at the Wakefield Community Centre for the 5th…
QAHN joined colleagues from ELAN, Townshippers, the West Quebecers, CASA and other organizations in Ottawa today for the…