This online exhibition, which consists of 10 panels, is part of QAHN's Canadian Heritage-funded project "Housewife Heroines:…
This online exhibition, which consists of 10 panels, is part of QAHN's Canadian Heritage-funded project "Housewife Heroines:…
Ancienne carte postale photographique, photographe inconnu, vers 1950. / Early photographic postcard, unknown photographer, c.…
Some years ago, this unusual stone was built into a wall of an old home in Beaconsfield, Quebec. The stone had been found nearby…
Station de pompage, Buckingham, vers 1908. Ancienne carte postale. (Collection privée) / Pumphouse, Buckingham, c.1908. Early…
Moulin à scie, Fassett, vers 1915. Ancienne carte postale photographique. (Collection privée) / Sawmill, Fassett, c.1915. Early…