
QAHN Board members Rick Smith and Carol Meindl attended the 2015 QCGN annual general meeting in Montreal last week. (Photo -…

"West End Grocery : R. B. Berry." Ancienne carte postale photographique, postée en 1908. (Collection privée) / Early photographic…

QAHN director Rick Smith recently met fellow hockey fan Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre. The occasion? A new exhibition at Montreal…

Ancienne carte postale photographique, postée en 1919. (Collection privée) / Early photographic postcard, mailed in 1919. (…

Ancienne carte postale, vers les années 1920. (Collection privée) / Early postcard, c.1920s. (Private collection)

Ancienne carte postale photographique, vers 1930. (Collection privée) / Early photographic postcard, c.1930. (Private collection)

Ancienne carte postale photographique, 1930. (Collection privée) / Early photographic postcard, 1930. (Private collection)

QAHN was well represented at the QCGN's annual Goldbloom Awards in Montreal, with board members Carol Meindl and Rick Smith (…

Rohinton Ghandhi of QAHN's Montreal Committee. Ghandhi animated a workshop on digital security on Saturday, April 26, at the…

This year, ELAN and QAHN teamed up to organize the 2014 Arts Culture and Heritage Working Group Summit in Montreal on March 31,…

Early postcard, c.1910. The Bureau Hotel was owned by J.-B. Bureau, and was located in Bout-de-l'Ile, in the East End sector once…

Early postcard, c.1910. The Bureau Hotel was owned by J.-B. Bureau, and was located in Bout-de-l'Ile, in the East End sector once…

Rod MacLeod, Editor of Quebec Heritage News, and Sandra Stock, a former QAHN Vice-President, represented QAHN at the popular Joe…