Eastern Townships: In Town and Village


larger_cover.1.jpgThe Eastern Townships are home to some of Quebec’s most picturesque villages and towns, with some communities dating back to the beginnings of colonization in the region over two centuries ago. The region is also known for its colourful history.

The Eastern Townships: In Town and Village is the title of a splendid new book by Matthew Farfan. Published by Les Éditions GID of Quebec City, The Eastern Townships: In Town and Village chronicles the history of the Townships through text and archival photography.

Some 200 early photographs are reproduced in this volume, providing a rare glimpse of life in and around the villages and towns of the region from about 1860 to 1950. The images are organized by chapter: Towns and Villages; Doing Business; Making a Living; Having Fun; Getting Around; Schooldays; Going to Church; Special Occasions; Disasters; Life on the Line; and In Uniform. Each image, carefully researched, has been selected from the author's extensive personal collection.

This stunning bilingual volume (200 pages, soft-cover) is a must for anyone interested in the history of the Eastern Townships. It is available at bookstores across Quebec, or directly from the author, for $34.95 (please add $12.00 for shipping within Quebec and Ontario; $15.00 to Western and Atlantic Canada; or $6.00 to anywhere in the U.S.). Payment should be addressed to: Matthew Farfan, 531 Dufferin, Stanstead, Quebec, J0B 3E0. Tel.: (819) 876-5047; email [email protected] .