Pagé Blacksmith Shop, Morin Heights

Morin Heights Historical Association
At Pagé's Blacksmith Shop, 1940s. (Photo - courtesy of MHHA)

larger_new_picture_0.pngRaoul Pagé bought the blacksmith shop in Morin Heights in 1934.

The establishment was located in the rear of the still-standing house, and Raoul Pagé operated it for several decades.

While Pagé made hardware and shoed horses like the other blacksmiths in the area (Christieville, Milles Isles, and so on), his main customer was the nearby sawmill, which at times had up to a dozen teams of horses.

Today, Pagé's blacksmith is a real estate office and home on the village's main street. Morin Heights still maintains its classic look with many New England-style houses and small businesses.

larger_new_picture_2.pngTo Contact:

Morin Heights Historical Association
P.O. Box 2693,
Morin Heights, QC
J0R 1H0
[email protected]