Townships Trivia: Sherbrooke #2

Matthew Farfan

1) Which of the following is NOT a borough of the City of Sherbrooke?
a) Fleurimont
b) Waterville
c) Rock Forest

2) In which Sherbrooke borough may be found Uplands Heritage and Cultural Centre?
a) Vieux Sherbrooke
b) Lennoxville
c) Brompton

3) Which of the following was a former name of Sherbrooke?
a) Little Forks
b) Little Hyatt
c) Hyatt’s Mills

4) After whom is Sherbrooke named?
a) Sir John Coape Sherbrooke
b) Lord Dufferin of Sherbrooke
c) Lord Sherbrooke of Dufferin

5) Which of the following “firsts” took place in Sherbrooke?
a) The construction of Canada’s first gasoline-powered car
b) The construction of Canada’s first steam car
c) The first train derailment in Canada

6) The head office of which of the following institutions was located in Sherbrooke?
a) The Grand Trunk Railway
b) The Eastern Townships Bank
c) The Sherbrooke Railroad and Telegraph Company

7) Which of the following railways did NOT have a station in Sherbrooke?
a) The Canadian Pacific Railway
b) The Quebec Central Railway
c) The Sherbrooke and Megantic Railway

8) Which of the following was the first mayor of Sherbrooke?
a) Antoine Racine
b) G. F. Bowen
c) Alexander Galt

9) Sherbrooke was built at the junction of which two rivers?
a) The Magog and the Massawippi
b) The Massawippi and the St. Francis
c) The St. Francis and the Magog

10) What is the name of Sherbrooke’s old prison?
a) The Whitcher Prison
b) The Winter Prison
c) The Bowen Prison

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