QAHN was pleased to present the 2021 Richard Evans Award to the Château Ramezay English-speaking Guides Association. And on Tuesday, September 14, a formal presentation took place on the grounds of the historic Château Ramezay in Old Montreal.
There have been volunteer guides at the Château Ramezay since 1895, and many people have generously donated their time over the years, providing the public with personal contact and informative and enjoyable activities. These guides, clothed in period costume, organize social events, give guided tours to tourists, school groups, and others who wish to learn about the heritage of Montreal and Quebec.
Operating a large historical building dating to 1705, with an enormous and varied collection of artefacts, requires skill and dedication, both from professionals and volunteers. The Château Ramezay has an exterior garden that is open to the public in the summers. There are also restaurant and food services, along with the upkeep and presentation of changing exhibits. The English-speaking Guides Association is an important part of the Château Ramezay’s dedicated team of professionals and volunteers. Members of the association organize and assist with numerous special events at the Château. They also contribute in a meaningful way to public relations with the wider English-speaking community of Montreal and Quebec. The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network salutes the dedication of these volunteers and their commitment to sharing our history and heritage.
On hand for the presentation on Tuesday were a number of members of the Guides Association, including the group’s president Jim Kyle who said that his group were thrilled that their work to bring history to life was being recognized. Château Ramezay staff were present, as well, including director André Delisle and head of promotion Louise Brazeau, who said that “we were really proud of our English Guides!”
Also on hand were several QAHN representatives, including Dorothy Williams, Fergus Keyes, Rod MacLeod and Rick Smith. Sandra Stock, chair of QAHN’s Montreal Committee praised the determination of the Guides Association to help preserve and interpret the history of the Château and Montreal in general to English-speaking visitors. “You help bring our shared history and heritage to life, and that is really important work,” she said. “Congratulations on winning this much-deserved award!”
QAHN representative Sandra Stock (left) presented the 2021 Evans Award to a costumed Jim Kyle of the Château Ramezay English-speaking Guides Association at an informal ceremony in the museum’s garden. Photo - ©Château Ramezay – Historic Site and Museum of Montréal.