A Heritage Celebration at the Forget House (This event is now FULL)

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(1195 Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal)

QAHN is pleased to invite members as well as the general public to a Heritage Celebration at the historic Louis-Joseph Forget House.

On the program:

"Around the Block: the Forget House in its 19th Century Setting,"
A presentation (in English) by Rod MacLeod, historian and editor of Quebec Heritage News magazine.

When Louis-Joseph Forget built his mansion on Sherbrooke Street in 1884, he took advantage of a real estate opportunity created following the death of William Workman, whose large estate had occupied this site since for 40 years. The Forgets joined other illustrious families in this choice corner of Montreal’s Square Mile, including the Abbotts, the Fishers, the Hamiltons (whose house would later belong to the Van Hornes) and the Sises. This presentation will situate the Forget House within this late 19th century neighbourhood and explore the evolution as residential space.

Reception, including wine and light refreshments.

Note: Free admission. Seating is limited, so RSVP (by November 7) is required (no exceptions).
Contact QAHN at: [email protected] / 819-564-9595.