QAHN's 2024 Heritage Talks presents: "Valcartier’s Redmond Road: Mapping Their Future," with Bruce Kirkwood

The Murphy family at their homestead on Murphy Road (branching off of Redmond Road) circa 1900-1915. Photo: Saint Gabriel-de-Valcartier Historical Society collections
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In 1896, 80 years after the initial settlement of Valcartier by John Neilson and his associates, a map was drawn to propose the extension of Redmond Road to the north corner of the territory along the Jacques Cartier River. The idea was to ease the burden of travel for the many established families who had to make their way to the churches, mills and markets several miles away via the old indigenous trails. The discovery of this old map in local historian Majella Murphy’s collection sparked interest in exploring the background of these hardy settlers and their attempts to improve their means of travel. Join us for a glimpse into 1896 rural life in the valley, and see how the addition of this new road helped consolidate the future of this once distant area.

Bruce Kirkwood, a native to nearby Shannon now living on Redmond Road, has been a serious genealogist for over 25 years and is well-versed in local Redmond lore. For many years, he has been an important member of the community when it comes to documenting and preserving the local culture, especially in video and audio form. He actively participated in the Valcartier Country Show and the Shannon Irish Show throughout the years. He has also more recently dedicated his time as Chief of Operations of the Défilé de la Saint-Patrick de Québec.

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