Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! 2021 Marion Phelps & Richard Evans awards

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larger_awards_0.jpg--January 12, 2021.

Marion Phelps & Richard Evans awards

Presented annually by QAHN in recognition of outstanding contributions by individuals and organizations to preserving and promoting the heritage and history of Quebec’s English-speaking communities.

Lettre ouverte du RPAQ : l'avenir du patrimoine québécois

--le 9 juin 2020.


Le Réseau du patrimoine anglophone du Québec (RPAQ), un réseau provincial d’organisations et d’individus œuvrant à la promotion du patrimoine des communautés anglophones de la province, accueille favorablement les conclusions et recommandations de la vérificatrice générale du Québec concernant la politique du patrimoine, telles que formulées dans son dernier rapport.

QAHN IS 20 !

QAHN Is 20 !

--June 9, 2020.

Founded back in 2000, QAHN celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2020.

Never in our wildest dreams could we have predicted that a massive worldwide pandemic would turn our “QAHN 20” victory lap into a surreal “COVID 19” alternate reality. Which of course much of 2020 has turned out to be -- for all of us!