--June 14, 2022.
Call for Proposals
"Belonging & Identity in English-speaking Quebec"
The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) is looking to fund innovative, inspiring and creative projects in our member organizations that will focus on history and heritage in their communities. If you have a good idea for a project, we’d love to hear from you!
In partnership with the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise (SRQEA) and Concordia University, QAHN is offering our member organizations a funding opportunity for a one-time project of up to $5,000. The project must be in support of activities that:
• Contribute to public knowledge of Anglophone community history and heritage in Quebec
• Invite reflection on the question of belonging and identity in English-speaking communities
• Enrich the cultural well-being of community members
You can send QAHN a letter (maximum two pages) describing your project idea and how your proposed activity will achieve the objectives listed above. Please note that only project proposals in writing will be considered.
Your letter should include the following information:
• A basic work plan (project title, objectives of your project and how you will achieve your goals)
• Your proposed start and finish dates (funded projects must be completed by March 31, 2023)
• A detailed project budget and the amount of financial assistance requested from QAHN
• An indication of how your project might be carried out should public health controls regarding the pandemic return to limit indoor gatherings
• Your name, your organization’s name and address, telephone number(s) and email address.
Please send your project proposal by email as a Word attachment no later than Thursday, September 1st, 2022 to: Heather Darch, Belonging & Identity Project Director [email protected]