The following resolution was adopted at QAHN's Annual General Meeting, held via Zoom, on Saturday, June 11, 2022:
“Highlighting Indigenous History”
Considering that the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) is a non-profit, non-partisan, province-wide organization engaged with its members in the preservation and promotion of the history, heritage and culture of Quebec -- and, in particular, of Quebec’s English-speaking communities, and that QAHN strives to advance the knowledge of the history, heritage and culture of those communities by informing, inspiring and connecting people through its activities and services;
Considering that QAHN is a “big-tent organization” whose membership is open to all, regardless of linguistic or cultural affiliation;
Considering that QAHN’s Strategic Plan references, among other points, the importance of developing links with Quebec’s Indigenous communities in order “to promote heritage and history and to foster a sense of reconciliation and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians,” of broadening our outreach to Indigenous (and other “cultural communities”) with historic connections to the province’s English-speaking community, and of offering educational programming on a range of topics, including Indigenous heritage;
Considering that QAHN is committed to the process of reconciliation with our Indigenous communities and, in particular, with working to create more balance in the historical record;
Considering that QAHN has a long and successful track record of providing space through our print and digital publications, online and social media platforms, documentary films, exhibitions, conferences, summits, colloquia, fairs, school presentations, community outreach, and other means, for the sharing of Indigenous history and heritage by Indigenous Canadians and others;
It is hereby resolved that QAHN considers it of great importance that we continue to make space for Indigenous voices in our projects, programs, and publications.
It is further resolved that we strongly encourage our member-organizations to do the same.
Proposed by: Rachel Lambie (Lac-Brome Museum)
Seconded by: Joe Graham
Motion carried. One abstention